Building A Solid Foundation


Whether you are just starting out or already have some experience, we recommend taking the time to go through the basics of (urban) sketching. We have created a roadmap for you to follow, experiment with and enjoy. Going through these basic steps, doing the practice drills and exercises and enhancing your existing sketching techniques will help you build a solid foundation, which in turn will enable you to become an independent sketcher with a unique style.

If you do not have a foundation, all you can do is copy and follow paint-along tutorials. We believe in handing you the tools and techniques that you can use in your own sketches. We are here to help you grow and thrive, and to create artwork you are proud of.

The courses within this roadmap are called Adventures. We believe it gives you a better perspective of what learning (or sketching) is about: it is a journey, full of surprises, discoveries, and challenges. And sometimes you find yourself in a totally different place than you expected. Being an artist is a never-ending adventure, so remember to work at your own pace and take it easy.

Many Brave Brushers have walked this road before you, so we know it really takes you to your goals! Happy sketching and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need help.

The best way to get help and feedback is by posting in the Facebook Group or by joining our Live Events. However, if you stay away from social media (we admire you!) or can’t make it to live events, you can always email us at or reply to any of our emails in your inbox. Keep us posted on your progress!

One-Point Perspective

If you are just starting out, there is a way to draw without perspective: use can sketch front views of buildings. However, most urban scenes require some knowledge of perspective.

This adventure takes you through the key concepts and explains the basics of drawing cube-based objects and circles in one-point perspective.

Creating Beautiful Textures

Textures make your sketches more realistic and expressive. Every urban scene has a variety of textures. This adventure helps you learn how to create:

  • Brick, stone, glass, wood and road textures with fineliners.
  • Bricks with watercolors.
  • Wood textures with watercolors.

Color Theory

Well, it’s not really a theoretical course, it’s an Adventure that helps you discover the power of color!

You will learn and PRACTICE:

  • the basics of color theory (color wheel and the main concepts)
  • color harmonies (monochromatic, analogous, complementary, and triadic)
  • three types of contrast you can use in your sketches
  • creating a color chart
  • mixing beautiful greys

Sketching Beautiful Greenery

No sketch is complete without something green: potted plants, grass, bushes and trees.

This Adventure teaches you how to:

  • get the shapes right
  • add shadows
  • create textures with colored pencils
  • sketch greenery with watercolors and colored pencils
  • draw greenery with markers

The Basics of Composition

This Adventure invites you to experiment with composition, to observe and think.

You will also learn the golden rules of composition that can be used in (urban) sketching.

We have also selected the most useful composition schemes that you can use in your artwork.